myPet is an application for pet-owners to organise information, insurance, vaccinations and medications for their best friends. Keeping all the information in one place makes life much easier for the owner, and features such as “share pet” makes the task of sharing your pets credentials to the vet or dog-walker etc. a walk in the park. The app was born out of the frustration of bringing a pile of papers each time I went to the vet or left the dog somewhere while going on vacation. This problem is solved with a push of a button in myPet.
Own school-project as second individual app at Malmö Yrkeshögskola.
myPet uses Firebase real time database as backend. Implementing MVVC pattern and listening to the database with Livedata and sends the response through the repository and viewmodel out to the observer in the UI part of the app. This type of layered architecture makes it easy to switch backend and separates the responsibility to different layers of the application.
Custom login flow
Instead of using firebase default UI for login, I decided to make my own. It includes Register new user, login, password retrieval, alphanumeric password check and email validation. Firebase takes care of the rest, such as user authentication. Once logged in you add you pets credentials and image, which are stored on Firebase realtime database and Firebase storage.

Share your pet
The share function uses Firebase-deeplink and Firebase-invite to access your contacts, send them a mail that links to the app, and once installed lets them access the pet from Firebase. This is possible because deeplinks persist through the installation process and access the link once the app is installed. When sharing a pet, you only give permission to read and not to write.